Stress of infertility could wake havoc between husbands and wives

After months or years of happily living together or getting married, many couples want to enlarge the family and welcome one two or many more other children. Some couples are successful and get pregnant right…

After months or years of happily living together or getting married, many couples want to enlarge the family and welcome one two or many more other children. Some couples are successful and get pregnant right away, just after stopping any birth control methods; but unfortunately, for others things are not that easy; in fact, as more as they try, they still cannot get the desired baby. When weeks, had gone, months had passed, and years went by and the belly is still not getting bigger and bigger, high level of stress and despair may say hello. When that happens communication could get affected, and life in general in certain cases is no longer as it used to be.

With the progress of sciences, these days, many couples visit fertility clinics in order to get their desire, their wish to come true; which most of the times include checking out the day of fertility, the day where the egg is ready or will be ready for the man product, the sperm.

May times the doctor or the medical professional who care after those patients will recommend to get intimate many times, I mean even a few days in a row to put the chance on their side to conceive the precious baby.

But usually a man and a woman make up because one of them is horny and approaches the other one in that sense, or it can also happens that both people are into it at the same time, what is quite good, as it promising that they may have a very good time together, needless to say too much are you guys are adults and know perfectly what I am talking about

The desire of getting pregnant should be greater than everything to make you both get in bed just for conceiving.

My sister Paula told me how trying to conceive caused a great deal of conflict in her marriage, which was not expect at all. She did not get how her husband could not, or, to say it better, did not do everything to get her pregnant as planned. Poor Paula, she was torn between so many emotions: frustration, feeling of deception, feelings anger, even feelings of rage.

Stress of not getting pregnant each month that has passed was a killer for her; every month that started began with the hope of conceiving the baby. As a matter of fact, every time she had her period, she felt so bad, bad not for menstrual cramps that she has on a monthly basis, but for the pain was in the heart. Because the cruel reality was that within nine months her hands would not hold, the baby since this latter was unfortunately not conceived.

Therefore she could not understand why her man who said wanted to be a dad refuse to have sex with her while knowing her fertile days. He knows well that contrary to men who can conceive every day in a month, women can only get pregnant a few specific days in a month, and passed those days if they did not try it is over for the month, and they should try the next one.

Let me tell you what I learnt from their trouble when they try to have a baby biologically..

After using an ovulation test, Paula noticed she only had a short window of time to, with her husband of course , try to become pregnant. Excited, she left the bathroom and rushed to the living room to announce the good news to her husband which in turn got also excited. Afterwards he received a reminder that the very day, they should make love that and the day after as well since they do not have the certitude at what exact time the egg would pop ready to meet her husband sperm.

Shortly after seeing that Calvin was not in the mood to make love she tried to get him in her bed with no success. Few hours after, she tried again, still with no success. The following day she reminded To Calvin, that they might have just a few hours left if they wanted to get pregnant. Unfortunately, it seemed that her reminders fell in deaf ears as that month, they did not try to get her pregnant because of him.

The following month after checking out her fertile days with a home test, Paula once again shared the information with her partner so that the opportune time-frame to get impregnated would not be missed. Her husband’s behavior was not different from the previous month regarding having sex in order to conceive.

All that situation triggered several heated disputes between in which she even accused him of playing games and not wanting to be a dad, or at least not with her.

It is understandable that the stress of not having a baby can affect emotions negatively. Not two people’s reaction is equal when under stress; while some are very proactive other just could not take it and step down. Which could be perceived as they were not really into it, which turns out not to be true.

Guys the two of you agree to conceive, and as you both know conception is about conjugated efforts; therefore, in order to have the little bundle of joy you both should work together, and at the same time lower your level of stress. Whenever one of you is not cooperating it is the moment to talk about it instead of getting angry at each other and stopping the process of having a kid, which is counterproductive since it takes you away fromyour shared goal . Happy conception!

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